Application Form


Why do you want to work at JADE?

Current Employer?

What is  your current position and how long have you been with current Employer?

Tell us about your history in the beauty industry. What advanced techniques or specialties do you bring?

What color lines have you worked with? (If this does not apply to you, please leave blank.)

What product lines have you worked with? (If this does not apply to you, please leave blank.)

What did you like most about your previous job?

What is most important to you in your next job? What do you want  that you're not getting now?

Why are you looking for a new job?

What are the goals you could see yourself achieving over the next 12 months at JADE? How do you plan to reach those goals?

What keeps you motivated?

If you are offered a position, when can you start?

Let's Get Down To Business

If the question does not apply to you, please put NA.

What is your current commission percentage? (If in commission salon.)

What do you currently pay for booth rent? (If booth renting.)

What is your current salary? (If on salary.)

How many days a week do you work? How many hours per week?

If you could choose your ideal schedule, what would it be? JADE does require all service providers to work at least 1 night and 1 weekend day.

What is/was your average weekly service and retail sales?

What do you need to earn?

What do you want to earn?

A Growth Game Plan

What are you favorite service to perform?

What areas would you love to be more educated in?

Who was your favorite guest and why?

Who was your least favorite guest and why?

What makes you unique?

How do you deliver exceptional services to your guests?

Who is your celebrity hair/skin crush and why?

Vibe Check!

What/Who inspires you?

What is your proudest accomplishment to date?

What is something on your bucket list?

If you could travel anywhere, where would you want to go and who would you take, if anyone?

Do you collect anything?

If you could describe your energy in a sound, what would it be?

What are your hobbies?

What is one thing you would NEVER do again?

Aside from necessities, what is one thing you cannot go a day without?

What's your green flag?

If your life had background music, what would it be?

If you could pick one food to eat forever, what would it be?

What's your go-to coffee order?

What's a weird personal habit that you swear makes your life better?

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